Beginner Photo Workshop March 24th 2013

***Early Bird Registration $150 until February 15 then back to $175***

Okay, you asked for it, and so here we go again with another Beginner Photo Class!  This class is for the gal with the DSLR camera she got for (insert occasion here) but still shoots in point n shoot mode.  My goal is to put you in manual mode and teach you the three basic functions ISO, aperture, and shutter speed.  Learning these will help you learn how to use light instead of that dreadful flash and create better photographs!  I will also teach you how to get those great blurry background, creative shots that I love so much.

So class will run from 10am (see I let you sleep in) until 2pm.  The first half of class we will go over our basic functions.  This is all hands on so bring your cameras, your lenses, manuals, battery chargers, etc.  While I am talking, I encourage you to fiddle, take pictures, etc.  We will stop after each section and practice a bit.  After the classroom part we will have lunch set up for you.  And honestly I think this might be one of the favorite parts of class.  My dear friends Karen and Amara prepare the best lunch ever.  I am not kidding, you will want to be all proper and stuff and only take one helping, but your taste buds will be dragging you back for seconds.  After class I have some beautiful little models that show up for us to have a real live photo shoot!  This is for you to practice your settings and for me to come around and help you all!  Depending on the weather we will set up props outside, but if we must remain indoors, the building has lots of windows that provide a lot of beautiful light for us.  After the photo shoot we all come back in for wrap up.  This is for you to ask any questions about anything.  This includes, photoshop (I wont really touch on that much but I can answer basic questions) business, or the basics we just went over.

Class will be held at the adorable Glen Echo Community Center in Everson, Wa.  This is an old schoolhouse and has plenty of charm.  I love it and I know you will too.  Cost will be $150 and that will cover your lunch and materials.  The link to registration is

I will cap the class at 15.  If you have any questions please feel free to email me

Kara Maternity Photos

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.  ~John Burrough

I honestly feel this way every day!  This year flew by and I am kind of sad to see it go, I was having so much fun.  But I look forward to all the things I can’t wait to do next year!  Here are some lovely photo’s of my gorgeous friend Kara.  I love Kara, because she trusts whatever I want to do, or wherever.  In this case my house and my bedroom.  She is such a good sport!  And thank you Kara for the yummy coffee, even though it got dumped fairly quickly on my carpet upstairs. 😦

This last photo I took, but I cannot take credit for the idea.  Kara found this idea online and so we re created it.  Still super cute!


I can’t believe I never posted this wedding.  I was so excited to have my brother Matt call and ask if I would shoot his wedding in Chicago!  I have never been there before and the thought of going it alone with no kids was a thrill.  Kind of felt like I was 20 again and I had the whole world at my fingertips.  So as most of you know, I don’t fly.  Ever.  So me and my little bug took a 3 day journey across the US.  No worries, I wasnt completely alone.  My dad insisted on driving with me…just in case :).  Chicago was like nothing I had ever experienced.  I wish I had more days to explore the city, but in the short week I had, I was able to see quite a few things.  I went to the Art Institute of Chicago, and that completely blew my mind.  It really is too hard to express in words what an amazing museum they have.  I went to the Museum of Science and Industry (this is where I started missing the kids, they would have loved this).  Was treated to some serious Chicago pizza, and many other lovely dinners that my brother took me too.  I’m sure it will be awhile before I ever have the chance to go back, but I can’t wait!  I am sure I can dig up some photos of the trip itself but for now I will post some photos of my bro’s wedding.

Photo’s I have never posted…

At the end of the year I go through all my photos, arrange, and put them all in one big file so I can start the new year fresh.  While going through everything, I noticed so many that I never posted!  I had an incredibly busy summer and by the time I was done shooting, editing, facebooking, I just had no energy left to blog them.  So I thought I would put some of my favorites up before they go hidden away in a folder.  I love the light in these photos.  If I could only take photos at this time of day with this light, I would every time.  Another one of my favorite families, just the kids this time though.  Mama’s preggers with twin girlies.  Can’t wait to get my camera on them when they are born!  So enjoy..

“Live in the sunshine.  Swim the sea.  Drink the wild air.”  ~Emerson

Here is a favorite of mine by Jack Kerouac..

“The only people for me are the mad ones. The ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time.  The ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars, and in the middle you see blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “AWWW!”

And here are some lovely photos of one of my most favorite families ever.

Just another chilly day…

By the end of our hour session, my pinky finger was so cold I could no longer feel it.  I know I said I was taking the month of December off for this very reason of freezing cold weather, but sometimes the light and the subjects are just too good to pass up.  Here are some lovelies for you to view.

but i like the color one too…

I like this one in color too…

and one silly one..

And just a little something I read tonight that I fell in love with…

Experience.  Dream.  Risk.  Close your eyes and jump.  Enjoy the freefall.  Choose exhilaration over comfort.  Choose magic over predictability.  Choose potential over saftey.  Wake up to the magic of everyday life.  Make friends with your intuition.  Trust your gut.  Discover the beauty of uncertainty.  Know yourself fully before you make promises to another.  Make millions of mistakes so that you will know how to choose what you really need.  Know when to hold on and when to let go.  Love hard and often and without reservation.  Seek knowledge.  Open yourself to possibility.  Keep your heart open, your head high, and your spirit free.  Embrace your darkness along with your light.  Be wrong every once in a while, and dont be afraid to admit it.  Awaken to the brilliance in ordinary moments.  Tell the truth about yourself no matter the cost.  Own your reality without apology.  See goodness in the world.  Be bold.  Be fierce.  Be grateful.  Be wild, crazy, and gloriously free.  Be you.

Go now and live.

Good night all.


One of the most precious little girls!

Last year I had the pleasure of babysitting this adorable little girl!  We had a lot of fun and was able to play around with my camera.  Her mama brought her by yesterday for a visit so of course it was raining out so I had to come up with something.  I made her a cozy, little, nook in my office.  Super cute.  Here are a few shots of the babe.

I’m Back…I promise!

Wow!  What an incredibly busy, amazing summer I have had.  I can’t believe how quick it went by and that we are actually into fall now!  I have finally been able to catch up on a lot of editing and photo shoots.  I do have a lot of family stuff coming up but the wedding season is over which seems to take up a whole lot of my time.  I have so much to share with you all.  Lots of wedding to post since I have not been keeping up on much with the blog.  I will be getting a lot of sessions up for people to see even though it’s a few months old.  I was able to even travel to Chicago to shoot my brothers wedding.  Chicago is amazing!  I celebrated my 7th wedding anniversary on October 9th to my amazing husband and turned the big ole 37 on the 12th.  Funny that I have been telling people who I was 37 already for some time now, so its like I never even aged another year!  I also held another beginner photo class this month.  So much fun and I will be getting some photos of that up soon too!

Here is one of my weddings from this summer!

Congrats to Kaitlyn and Dan